Quality Inn & Suites Winter Park Village Area
626 Lee Rd, Orlando, FL 32810 SPECIAL EVENT
Showroom Hrs
Sat: 10am-5pm Sun: 10am-4pm
*FREE Admission and Parking IMPORTANT NOTICE! This is not a full-on bead show-- but, like we have done several times since 2018, we are setting up like a mega-trunk show with FiberAndBeads and 1 or more additional exhibitors TBA.
FiberAndBeads will have over 2300 different types of Japanese and Czech Seed Beads! (Largest East Coast traveling seed bead display!), Stringing Material like C-Lon, a large Pewter assortment, mermaid, bone and chevron beads.
Additionally, there will be a stunning display of PMC by Turtle Soup Beads artisan Susan Bailey, Silver-Plated Jewelry from India Gems 3-Closeout Collection, and hand-made beaded jewelry by Designs by Jasper!
Please note this may be our only event in the Orlando area this year, so don't miss us!
Please LIKE our facebook page (we are under Best Bead Show on Facebook) to receive even more up-to-the-minute updates such as additional participants. https://www.facebook.com/BestBeadShow/
Directions to Show Location
Click here for Google Map
Wholesale Buyer Info
This event is open to the public. If you are a wholesale buyer, please bring proper credentials with you (i.e. tax resale license and business cards). PLEASE BRING EXTRA COPIES OF YOUR LICENSE AS SOME EXHIBITORS MAY NEED TO RETAIN A COPY. Please note that while this event is open to the public, many if not all, exhibitors will conduct wholesale transactions with you but the following conditions must be met: (a) the exhibitor is willing to make a wholesale transaction- some (few) may not carry inventory for such transactions, especially if their products are hand made, (b) you have proper credentials with you (listed above), and (c) your purchase meets their minimum requirement for such a transaction (each exhibitor sets their own minimum). If ALL conditions are NOT met, THE EXHIBITOR MAY NOT process the sale as a wholesale transaction as it will violate show policy and/or state laws. Please be respectful of this and do not ask the exhibitor to risk expulsion or heavy fines for the purpose of a sale, as this may be considered criminal solicitation.